Panel Session: Defining Transdisciplinary Engineering
Session Chairs: Dr. Adam Cooper and Dr. Susan Lattanzio
July 11, 2023, 16:00 – 17:00
The success of the ISTE depends on having a larger and growing community focused on understanding and developing Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE) practice. We believe that by thoughtfully defining TE we can consolidate the community, give it direction, and connect meaningfully to other communities. However, for emerging disciplines such as Transdisciplinary Engineering it is not always possible or indeed desirable to immediately implement an “absolute definition”.
To this end, a working group of ISTE members has come up with an initial definition document as given below. Within this document we seek to create a “working definition”, which will be regularly reviewed and updated by the members of the ISTE. In this way it helps to frame discussions, whilst allowing the opportunity for the community to reflect on, consolidate and evolve its aims and scope.
We will discuss this topic in more depth at the upcoming TE2023 conference in Thailand. We welcome your participation in this effort, by reviewing the document below, commenting and contributing to it at the TE2023 conference or by contacting the ISTE board directly.
To kick that off, we would like to encourage the participants to review this document (click here to read the document) and voice out through a short survey (click here to take the survey). It should only take 2-3 mins to complete.
We will use the data from the survey to inform the debate at the session and to think about how we organise future TE conferences that align with the ideas we capture